Repair My Website
Step One
Complete the website repair request form and let us know as much as possible about your website and the issues you are facing including when you first noticed the issue and any recent actions you think may have caused the issue.
Step TWO
We will examine your website to determine the cause and severity of your issue before contacting you to discuss the repairs the website requires.
Step Three
We fix your website! Whether your site has been hacked, compromised or is simply broken we will provide you with a quick and affordable solution to get you back online as soon as possible..
Step Four
We secure your website against future attacks and monitor your repaired website’s security 24/7 for the next 3 months to ensure the issue doesn’t arise again.
No Fix – No Fee
We do not charge a cent for investigating your website repair needs and will provide you with an accurate quote before performing any work.
Website Repair Services
Hacked Website Repair
WordPress Website Repair
Malware Removal
Virus Removal
Website Security Tightening
Website Security Management
Website Software Updates
Spam Reduction & Removal
Spam Traffic Removal
Spam Backlink Removal
Broken Code Repair
Slow Website Repair
Why Was My Website Hacked?
In most instances, websites are hacked due to hackers exploiting outdated code, themes or plugins. Bots will san the web looking for tell-tale signs of these outdated elements of a website and when they find a vulnerability, these bots execute code that can enable a hacker to gain access to your website, database or your server.
Other causes may be compromised hosting or the utilisation of a pirated version of a premium theme or plugin on your website. These kinds of plugins are often working copies of existing plugins with hidden code injected – code which executes on install and works in the background to spread it’s malware.
Who Hacked My Website?
Websites are usually targeted at random however a targeted attack on your website can not be ruled out. These kinds of attacks can leave more evidence of the culprit than a random hacker and we will notify you should we come across any such evidence.
How Long Will It Take To Fix My Hacked Website?
This will largely depend on the severeity and scale of the hacked website but we are able to get most websites back online within 15 minutes. At Emergency Website Repair our process involves fixing the issue quickly before launching an investigation into how it happened and preventing it from happening again.
How Much Does It Cost To Fix My Hacked Website?
This again will depend on the scale and severity of the attack as well as any factors that may have caused the attack such as outdated software. When you contact us we will analyse your website and provide you with a full breakdown of the costs involved.
What Does The No Fix No Fee Guarantee Cover?
This means you do not have to pay for any of our analysis and diagnosis of your hacked website repair. If you choose not to use us or if we are unable to fix your hacked website for any reason there will be no charge for our time and we will let you know quickly along with a recomendation for a reliable security expert for the coding language of your specific website.
What Information Will I Need To Provide?
When you first contact us we will need the URL of your hacked or broken website. Any other information you provide such as anything that may have happened prior to the you noticing the issue (for example, a website update or installing a plugin) will help speed up the diagnosis of your issue but are not necessary.
After analyisng your website we will need administrator access to your website and in most cases your Hosting Control Panel.
What Happens After My Website Is Fixed?
Every hacked or broken website we fix comes with 3 months of free website updates and security monitoring to ensure the site is protected from the hackers returning. This security monitoring involves monitoring for any login attempts, file changes, code injections, vulnerabilities and any attempts to penetrate the website, being instantly notified if something suspicious happens on your website and launching a counter attack or defence to prevent anyone damaging your website and your business’ reputation.
What Happens If My Site Is Not Fixed Quickly?
If your hacked website isn’t fixed quickly it can result in anything from the theft of your client’s personal data to Google showing warnings about your website in it’s search results. Most modern browsers will also show visitors to your website a warning that your website is dangerous and may harm the visitor’s computer. After determining that you have not fixed your hacked website, Google will eventually black list your website and cease showing it in it’s search results pages.
Contact Us
If you would like to learn more about how we can help fix your website or if you have a question about us our your website you can get in touch by calling us on 0421 033 433, by completing the shortenquiry form or by clicking on the live chat icon to get instant support.